Holy Quran Pages Playlists

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Holy Qur'an Playlists for each Page

Logo of Quran.surfQuran.surf provides separate playlist for each page as per the printed version (Rasm Utsmani) of the Holy Quran. These include videos recited by many world famous reciters. Playlists based on Quran page are unparalleled in history. These videos highlight the text portion of the Qur’an along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. These playlists make comparative study of recitations simpler. Page level videos are the main resource for our “World Wide Online Qur’an Memorization Program.”

You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Playlists for each Page | Self explanatory short links

Holy Qur’an Playlists for each Page | Self explanatory bit links to open them on our YouTube channel

Unprecedented playlist collections

Self explanatory bit links to open Unique Qur’an playlist collections on YouTube

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YouTube Short URLs for Holy Qur’an Page Videos Playlists

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Logo of Quran.surfWe are providing here short and self recognizable URLs for Holy Qur’an Page Videos Playlists. We are using ‘p‘ as the short code for page videos and playlists.

You can logically understand the easy format of our YouTube short URL structure. We also add here the short URL for Quran.surf post for corresponding YouTube video/playlist. Our posts doesn’t require page short code to access respective post. There it require only the page number.

Home of YouTube Short URLs

Page Videos Playlists

Click here to get more YouTube short URLs for surah videos playlists and for the videos by several reciters.

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