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Alhamdulillah! A new history is being made here! now provides 5000+ HD videos and 1000+ video playlists! Now each surah playlists have 15+ videos those highlighting the Qur’anic text portion along with the recitation by the world famous reciters! There are playlists for each page, each juzh, entire surahs, entire pages and for special ayas! The greatest peculiarity of these is that the Holy Qur’an had no such collections before! does not include ads or activate monetization as it works for a very noble cause. Now let’s go through the features in detail via “ABCD of”.

A B C D of

  • A – Al hamdulillah – begins a new history in 4 ways!
  • B – Masha Allah – Find the 8 unique specialties of our videos!
  • C – Insha Allah – It gives 4 major benefits for the millions!
  • D – Jazakallah – Kindly listen on my 4 kind of requests

Download (PDF, 2.96MB)

Part A – Al hamdulillah – begins a new history in 4 ways!

A-1 Ever first in history – introduced the text highlighting series of HD videos for the recitation of the entire surahs of Holy Qur’an. We already have videos for entire surahs those recited by 16 world famous reciters.

A-2 It began for the first time – In any kind of format, produced separate HD videos for the entire pages of Holy Qur’an. We already have separate videos for entire Qur’an pages those recited by 4 world famous reciters.

A-3 New history began – By utilizing the light version of text highlighting page videos, introduced ‘World Wide Online Qur’an Hifz Program‘. It has ‘Guide to Learn‘ and ‘Self Study‘ methods. Insha Allah, it is capable of making thousands of Hafizes around the world!

A-4 When we are now providing over 5000 HD videos and 1000 useful playlists, it makes comparative study on different styles of Quran recitation easier than ever.

Part B – Masha Allah – Find the 8 unique specialties of our videos!

B-1 These are highlighting the Holy Qur’an text portion along with recitation. This text portion derived according to the rules and signs of stopping (Waqf) when reciting the Holy Qur’an. Sometimes it comes more than one time in a single line of Qur’an text. Otherwise it may include more than one line of text for one portion. If the Waqf sign prefers to continue recitation of the verses with no need to stop, we also followed it on highlighting portion. Basically, all of these distinct portions are separate images. We use more than twelve thousand such images in our videos.

B-2 Only five lines of Qur’an on each screen; it is best viewable on small mobile screens and big projector screens!

These five lines of text are not derived from a long page. Each of them is similar to a part of the printed page of the Holy Qur’an in Rasm Usmani Script.

B-3 Valuable additional information is showing on each screen. Surah name, its series number, page number and juzh number are showing without interrupting the overall beautiful view of the screen.

By using this information, the viewer/listener can easily refer followings:-

  1. The required page or surah on a Mus’haf, that’s the print version of the Holy Qur’an in rasm-usmani script.
  2. Other reciters video on the same surah or page by using our easily recognizable short URL that is described here under the B-7 head.

B-4 First, last moment screen & thumbnail image – It stands as unique protecting cover for each video. This screen only appears if the video stays stopped or it paused at the first or last moment. It contained meaningful information including the reciter name and HD video short URL.

It is the custom of the believers to close the Qur’an (Mus’haf) after reciting it. Like the believers, believes that it is disrespectful to always keep the Qur’an open. This noble method of not to keep open always the Qur’an has been beautifully applied in the videos to some extent using this protective cover.

B-5 Second screen – it contains a full Qur’an page view – It is similar to the first moment screen by replacing the central portion with a full page of the Holy Qur’an. Second screen of the video continues on the screen around 5 seconds. The similar kind of view can be seen for a few seconds just before the last moment.

B-6 Scrolling texts on the second screen – While displaying the second screen the video shows three lines of text that scrolls from bottom part to top.

Those lines are:

  • Page number / Surah Name
  • Name of the reciter
  • Short URL for the HD video

B-7 Self recognizable short URLs and easy navigation links.

This feature is a very awesome idea to choose the specific video post even after our collection of videos has surpassed thousands of reciters!

The short URLs follow common format for surah videos, page videos, aya videos and different types of playlists. Explaining in detail what structure it is made of, you might feel bored. But, once its structure is understood, it will surely be appreciated by anyone.

In general, it is difficult for anyone to remember even one YouTube URL. But when you use our “Short URLs for YouTube”, it becomes very easy to locate any of our 5000+ videos or 1000+ playlists.

“Bit links for YouTube” is another magical set of links that follows a very identical structure to our YouTube playlists per surah, per page, and all-in-one playlist collections.

Don’t panic with these types of short URLs. It is not at all necessary to know these URLs to use our videos and playlists wisely. They are listed very systematically on our homepages and we provide multiple drop-down menus to select the desired one. In any case, short URL is the best asset for those who know their structure well to navigate easily and wisely between videos and playlists from our vast collection.

This unique specialty is divided into three parts. Those are:

To learn more about the details of each, please use the links above. The PDF document ‘ABCD of‘ covers all these short links.

B-8 videos are systematically gathered under 6 kinds of playlists. Those are:

1) ‘Playlists containing all Surah videos‘: Each such playlist contains 114 Surah videos.
2) ‘Playlists for all page videos‘: Each such playlist contains 604 page videos. These videos are based on the pages of Mus’haf, which is on Rasm Usmani font and those are used most commonly.
3) Juzh Playlists: There are special playlists for all the 30 Juzhs in the Holy Qur’an. Each of these contained page videos for the respective juzh and all these playlists contain twenty or more page videos.

Each of the 1, 2, and 3 types of playlists contains videos of the same reciter. There are different playlists for different reciters.

4) Separate playlists for each Surah. Accordingly, there are 114 Surahs with separate playlists.
5) Playlists for each page. Accordingly, all the 604 pages of the Holy Qur’an have separate playlists.
6) Some verses like Ayathul Kursi also have special playlists.

Types 4, 5, and 6 playlists contain videos recited by many world-renowned reciters. These playlists are the excellent references for those who intend to make a comparative study of the recitations.

We provide a shareable message on ‘unparalleled playlist collections for HD videos of Holy Qur’an Recitation’. It is available in more than a hundred languages. Get it from: has a noble goal; so it works without activating ads and monetization. is using the recitation voice of the world famous reciters. Many of those sounds are already copyrighted by third parties. agree with YouTube that the audio in the videos is “for use only” when uploading each video, regardless of the financial benefits. Moreover, has not been activated monetization on YouTube. It does not display ads on its website or app. We think it’s not at all desirable to display ads on Quran videos. But depending on the preferences of the copyright holder, YouTube ads may be displayed on the video for the benefit they deserve.

We do not aim financial gain through advertising on the channel or website. When we kept such a goal in mind, it made possible to use the copyrighted audios of third parties. That’s how such an extensive video collection is possible!

Since monetization is not activated on the channel, YouTube also has less potential for financial gain, so recommendation through YouTube is generally low. Hopefully that will be possible through media coverage and fans of this Quran recitation video channel which continues to be of unparalleled quality.

Conclusion on uniqueness of our videos recitation videos contain only phenomenal content that makes high standard to qualify as the part of any curriculum on Qur’an recitation. not included anywhere an annoying portion even a channel subscription request on our recitation videos.’s high quality videos and diverse playlists of all kinds are unparalleled in history. This fact is easily understood by those who are willing to compare.

Part C – Insha Allah – It gives 4 major benefits for the millions!

C-1 It helps to enjoy the beautiful and heart shuddering recitations along with seeing its lyrics on big or small screens

C-2 It helps to study Quran recitation in the best way.

Our videos only show five lines of the Qur’an on screen at a time. It is based on the most common Rasm Usmani page layout of the Qur’an. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well. Our short URL resource becomes a useful tool for making progress for weak students by providing them a specific URL.

C-3 The Qur’an can be memorized using our online study plans. providing “World Wide Online Qur’an Hifz Program – WWOQHP“. Once joined this program, the member can download the light version videos for Qur’an pages and surahs. Currently two sets are available. Those are recited by Mishary Al Afasi and Saad Al-Ghamdi. One page has an average size of 7 MB and one set for all 604 pages has an average size for 4 GB. It has almost similar total size for all surah videos for one set. This program runs through a study syllabus and it divided the overall portions to 24 study sets. Users can download the videos by each study set or by individual videos.

This program has two kinds of study methods.

1. Self Study Method: By choosing this method of study anyone can practice to memorize the Holy Qur’an by themselves. We provide necessary guidelines and tracking records (61 pages PDF file) to analyze the progress to go ahead without interruptions. To know more about this method kindly refer: (50 pages PDF file)

2. Guide to Learn Method: If someone chooses this method, they can guide a group of people to memorize the Holy Qur’an via online. It works through various WhatsApp groups formed by them. To get more details about “guide to learn” method of WWOQHP, kindly refer: (62 pages PDF)

Additional downloads for Guide to Learn Method:

We also provide several additional resources those are very convenient to post through WhatsApp. Those include:

C-4 While we now offer 5000+ HD videos via 1000+ useful playlists, this massive resource makes the comparative study of different styles of Qur’an recitation easier than ever.

Comparison and analytical study on Holy Qur’an recitation.

Our endeavor makes things easier for comparison and analytical study on Holy Qur’an recitation. When we are adopting “the page” as the master portion for our videos, it gives great help for the college and university students who are researching recitation of the Holy Qur’an. The teachers can adopt our HD videos to illustrate it though high end big screens. The users can easily jump between reciter by reciter by using the above explained easy navigation options. It can achieve by modifying URLs as per the following examples:

Examples for page comparison by reciters:

Holy Qur’an Page 2 (Comparison example)

This page contained the portion from a surah

Surah 105 Al-Feel (Comparison example)

By using the above kind of short and recognizable URLs, you can easily jump between reciters for your comparisons. Beyond modifying URLs, to compare the different recitations, there are major roles for the playlists that gather each page and surah separately.

Part D – Jazakallah – Kindly listen on my 4 kind of requests

D-1 Kindly involve yourself to achieve the fundamental aim of

Personally I request you to spend at least one hour every day to recite, memorize and study the Holy Qur’an.

D-2 Help to socialize the things

Kindly like, follow, comment and share website and social pages. Occasionally try to comment/share our new posts.

Requesting a social review from you.

In our experience, not a single person who knew about this great initiative had anything but a good word to say. Knowing that the collection of such good words will be a great asset in the journey ahead, we decided to collect the review under the name of “Social Review”. According to our experience, you will surely have some good words to say about So kindly express it through some social platforms like Facebook, YouTube, etc. Then please send its link to our WhatsApp ( +919496409386) along with your name, designation, location and country name. If so, it will be a great support from you for this great initiative.

For a detailed news/analysis story about you can refer the following:

D-3 Big target – situation change required!

Although has already crossed a historic milestone, there are still big goals ahead. As per the audios collected for this, more than 12950 surah videos are left to be made. More than 77500 videos for pages can be made from it. It may not be fulfilled if my situation continues as it is.

I expect that my years of smart and hard effort for, will be recognized as a good deed to be encouraged. I hope that Allah will open a way and change the current situation, and Allah, the Almighty may bless me for achieving this goal. When this goal comes true, Insha Allah, it will be very beneficial for millions of people and will become a great repository for comparative study of Quranic recitations and it will produce thousands of Hafizes via ‘World Wide Online Quran Hifz Program’ (WWOQHP). Insha Allah, It is clear that the uniqueness and quality of videos and playlists will help to achieve these goals.

To get a right situation change, you may able to interfere on it. Kindly visit following URLs for further more details:

D-4 Help me to open a way to achieve the exciting development target of

Under D-3, I described some secondary goals and getting daily facilities along with some jobs for others. Here I am aiming some of exciting development target.
There are many reciters of the Holy Qur’an who recite the Qur’an with a very attractive and beautiful voice and style by following tajweed rules. Some of them are far better than world famous reciters. It will be a very unique experience for them who are earring this kind of recitation that steadily flows up and down in very rhythmic order. I extremely like to expand the collection of recitation videos by using these kinds of attractive and heart shuddering recitations.

Beyond creation of videos, it requires a global centre for ‘World Wide Online Quran Hifz Program’ (WWOQHP) to wisely manage global activities and regional centers.

To ensure increased privacy and security of videos, it is considered that third parties should be avoided and managed through own servers. With this in mind and to make it easier to locate, has included its own short URL in every video. The first thing to understand about a dedicated server is the fact that it takes about 30 / 40 GB of space to store a whole bunch of HD videos for a single reciter.

In these kinds of situations and to overcome the personal limitation, it requires getting a strong sponsor or am looking for a right Reputed Islamic Organization to take over the full responsibilities of this historic venture.

Support is sought from everyone

Kindly pass a message about to your contacts! Refer to easily copy a message in your language. This will be great helpful for us, you and them. I am hereby requesting you to include me and my family members in your prayers.

With thanks and regards

The Developer,
Khaleel Rahman Abdul Khadar
Mobile: +971 58 5731386
+91 9895 715 775
WhatsApp: +919496409386
Email: surfquran @


Supporting documents/things:

  1. This Document (ABCD of with clickable links:
  2. A video presentation about
  3. Self recognizable short URLs and easy navigation links:
  4. A shareable message in more than 100 languages: “unparalleled playlist collections for HD videos of Holy Qur’an Recitation”:
  5. Guidebook for ‘Guide To Learn’ Method of WWOQ Hifz Program Handbook (62 pages):
  6. Handbook for ‘Self Study Method’ of WWOQ Hifz Program Handbook (50 pages):
  7. Entire pages info (228 pages):
  8. ‘Guide to Learn Method’> Hifz Progress Tracking Record that keep with Member (61 pages):
  9. ‘Guide to Learn Method’> Hifz Progress Tracking Record that keep with Admin (6 pages):
  10. ‘Self Study Method’ > Analysis/Progress Chart (61 pages):
  11. Sample message to introduce the Qur’an memorization group:
  12. Sample welcome message to the new members:
  13. Hifz program syllabus:
  14. Sample guideline reminder message to the member to follow up the rules and regulation of the group:
  15. Info text for each page that is convenient to send while posting each video: (Separate ‘info’ for 604 pages)
  16. A message to them who guide to learn Holy Qur’an (English – 7 pages PDF):
  17. A message to them who guide to learn Holy Qur’an (Arabic – 6 pages PDF):

    Press release

  18. Press release in English:
  19. Press release in Arabic:
  20. Khaleel Rahman(creator) Face Photo:
  21. Logo:
  22. Banner:
  23. Video screenshot 1: (Sample for surah first-moment/thumbnail screen)
  24. Video screenshot 2: (Sample for page first-moment/thumbnail screen)
  25. Video screenshot 3: (Sample for second screen)
  26. Video screenshot 4: (Sample for text highlighting screen)
  27. ABCD of – Summary in an image – Style 1:
  28. ABCD of – Summary in an image – Style 2:
  29. ABCD of – A in an image:
  30. ABCD of – B in an image:
  31. ABCD of – C in an image:
  32. ABCD of – D in an image:


  33. Download light version recitation videos:
  34. Entire playlists in single PDF:

    External Links

  35. YouTube Channel:
  36. Subscribe our YouTube Channel:
  37. FaceBook:
  38. Twitter:
  39. Instagram:
  40. Android App:
  41. Join WhatsApp Community:
  42. WhatsApp Chat: +919496409386

Some numbers and strings on this page are updated on: Jan 02, 2025

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