Extensive collection of unparalleled playlists for the Holy Quran

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Holy Qur'an Playlists

Logo of Quran.surfAll praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. We, the Quran.surf is proudly present our playlist section. There has separate playlists for each surah, each page and special aya like ayathul kursi. There also has juzh playlists, all in one surahs playlists and all in one pages playlists. Several world famous reciters are gathering on these kinds of playlists. The fact that Quran.surf’s high quality videos and varied playlists are unparalleled in history. The person who evaluates the thing will be convinced of this fact.

Our videos highlight the Qur’an text portion along with the beautiful and heart shuddering recitation. You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch them in full screen. Quran.surf videos are based on the Mus’haf page layout and usually show only five lines on a screen. It can be viewed well on small mobile screens and large projector screens. Therefore, it provides a great way for those who want to learn or teach the recitation of the Qur’an well.

Holy Qur’an Playlists | Self explanatory short links

Holy Qur’an Playlists | Self explanatory bit links to open them on our YouTube channel

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