A record to keep by the WhatsApp group member to track hifz progress

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Whoever created a WhatsApp group for WWO Qur’an Hifz Program, need to allot a register number for the members. Four digit number will be convenient to use as register number. So you can start it as like U0001, A0001 or #0001.

When a member joined to your WhatsApp group for WWO Qur’an Hifz Program, the admin required to send a primary welcome message by giving following kind of information.

WhatsApp friendly welcome message text

Welcome message to the member:

Assalamu Alaikum,

Hi! Abdul Swamad, Welcome to “Qur’an Hifz Zone” [CHANGE NAMES]!


  • Now you are the member of WhatsApp Group “Qur’an Hifz Zone”. We are sending you separate messages for the general guideline for members and a message on our study syllabus that grouped entire Qur’an pages in to 24 study sets.
  • This message is mainly on “Online Qur’an Hifz Analysis/Progress Chart”. We are sending its PDF file here. It has 52 pages length in A4 size. You need to take a printout of these pages and keep them on a folding file. Alternatively you can draw similar kind of chart on a notebook and can use it to track your progress.
  • The first part of this report is for individual pages. It covered 49 pages from 52 pages. Qur’an page numbers are ordered here according to our study syllabus and hifz study sets. Now have a look on this part: (Sample view)
  • We are using some abbreviation on this report. Those are: SN* = Study set number | SS* = Sequence on study set | OS* = Overall sequence | IJ* =included Juzh | FA* = First Aya | LA* = Last Aya | ** = Surah continued from last page and end on this page | C* = Count (Recitation – number of times ) | T* = Read translation/interpretation in your native language – number of times
  • It has to fill three rows for every page line. Memorizing the entire Qur’an is not a single time process for each page. Whenever repeating the page you can use second and third rows.
  • Second part of this report is for page level hifz date. It gives a summarized idea on progression of memorizing Qur’an pages. Have a look on this part:
  • Whenever you updating this part you need to inform the admin “the date and hifz page” through a text message. It helps to track your progress and can assist you on necessary situation.
  • The last part of this report is monthly hifz summary. You need to fill it after each month. It looks like:
  • If you are properly using “Online Qur’an Hifz Analysis/Progress Chart”, it will give best progress on memorization of Holy Qur’an

Further Information

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