Contribute to the translation of the message on the playlists of the Holy Quran

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We are providing different kinds of YouTube playlists for HD videos of Holy Quran Recitation. Its’ informative message is available in all major world languages. Get it from here.

The message on these languages may contain mistakes. So we are providing here a facility to rectify those mistakes by accepting the suggestions from public. All of these contribution files are prepared in excel file format. You can download your language file. It contained original English message and translated message. There is a column to fill your contribution. You can send back this file to us after filling your suggestions. If any of language file showing vulgar characters, you can recover it by simply copying to any of text editor such as notepad.

You can send your suggestion in any of following method:

1) Email: surfquranATgmailDOTcom
2) WhatsApp: +919496409386. Before sending the contribution file, you need to save number and send your name, place, country name and language name via WhatsApp(in English).

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