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Saud Al-Shuraim: HD videos playlist on Holy Qur’an recitation

Logo of Quran.surfThe above playlist contained HD videos for Holy Quran those are recited by ‘Saud Al-Shuraim’. You can choose the Qur’an portion by clicking on three small horizontal line that shown on right top part of the video. Whenever we adding new videos those reciting by Saud Al-Shuraim, this playlist will be automatically updated. Here the Qur’an is showing in full-screen as per the print copy of Mus’haf. You need to click [ ] on this icon on video to watch it in full screen. The video highlights the Qur’an text portion along with the beautiful recitation. So it gives a great way for kids and others to learn the Qur’an easily.

Saud Al-Shuraim - HD videos playlist on Holy Qur'an recitation

You can access our page for Saud Al-Shuraim by using the easily recognizable short URL: Kindly notice the end portion of the URL. It is ‘shur’. It is the shortcode for Saud Al-Shuraim. If you know the shortcode of any portion of Qur’an from, you can easily access the ‘Saud Al-Shuraim’ recited video for that portion by adding the portion code along with reciter code. Anybody can understand the respective portion shortcode from the description of any of our post. Suppose ‘s1’ stand for Surah 001 Al-Fatiha. Then the Al-Fatiha post URL for Saud Al-Shuraim is The code ‘1’ stands for the page 1 of the Qur’an print copy of Mus’haf. So the short URL for the Qur’an page 1 recitation post for Saud Al-Shuraim will be end as ‘/shur-1/’. These kinds of short URL will be valid only for the available posts. Kindly subscribe our YouTube channel or fill the subscription form to get the notification on our latest posts. To know more about easy navigation options kindly click here.

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