You can access the Qur’an Page 142 by using the easily recognizable short URL: Kindly notice the end portion of the URL. It is ‘142’. It is the shortcode for the Qur’an Page 142. If you know the shortcode of any reciter from, you can easily access the ‘Qur’an Page 142’ for that reciter by adding the page code along with reciter code. Anybody can understand the respective reciter code from the description portion of any of our post. Suppose ‘afs’ is the code for reciter Mishary Al Afasi. Then the Qur’an Page 142 post URL for Mishary Al Afasi is These kinds of short URL will be valid only for the available posts. Kindly subscribe our YouTube channel or fill the subscription form to get the notification on our latest posts. To know more about easy navigation options kindly click here.